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Assistir The Energy Specialist Online

Filme The Energy Specialist completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir The Energy Specialist Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Ged Dickersin | 2016

Ficha técnica


The Energy Specialist is about what you do after college, when you have spent most of your college days partying. After graduating from U. Mass Amherst, Dev Teller (Josh Dov) decides he’s going to “live a little” before embarking down any career path. So he sticks around his college town of Northampton, where he gets a job blowing insulation for a ragtag company called The Energy Specialists. Dev becomes good friends with his co-worker Curran (Timm Sharp), who moves in with Dev, when his girlfriend Sheila (Layna Fisher) kicks him out. Dev and Curran light up the small town, getting drunk, smoking weed, tooting coke, going to strip bars, getting in fights, and just hanging out playing guitar on the front porch of their dumpy house.

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