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Assistir Double Dragon (1ª Temporada) Online

Série Double Dragon (1ª Temporada) completa em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Double Dragon (1ª Temporada) Online | HD

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The Animated Adaptation of the Double Dragon video game series. It lasted for 26 episodes, running from 1993 to 1994. Billy and Jimmy Lee are twin brothers who were separated at birth and raised by opposing factions. Billy is raised in the Dragon Dojo by the Eldest Dragon, who trains him in the ways of the Code of the Dragon. The Code’s main precepts are not to harm others intentionally and not fight if he can help it. When the Eldest Dragon is gone, Billy becomes the new Dragon Master at the age of 18. Joining forces with policewoman Marian Martin, Billy fights to protect the city from the Shadow Warriors, a criminal organization initially led by the mysterious Shadow Boss, who is revealed to be none other than his long lost twin brother Jimmy. Initially the two brothers oppose each other, but when Jimmy is betrayed by his own men, he abandon his evil ways and join forces to fight the true leader of the Shadow Warriors himself, the Shadow Master, who wishes to engulf the world with the power of the black flame. However, a tie-in video game titled Double Dragon V The Shadow Falls was produced by the franchise’s U.S. license holder at the time Tradewest, released in late 1994 on the Super NES, Genesis and Jaguar.

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