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Assistir Voto de Coragem Online

Filme Voto de Coragem completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

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Secret-service agent Vic Davis is on his way to pick up his estranged son, Shawn, from his college campus when he finds himself in the middle of a high-stakes terrorist operation. The daughter of a Supreme Court Justice is the target and this armed faction will stop at nothing to kidnap her Vic quickly realizes that there’s no one coming to rescue them and must now use his entire set of skills to save her and his son from an incredibly dangerous and lethal situation.

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Importante: Destacamos nosso firme compromisso contra a pirataria e enfatizamos que nosso conteúdo é estritamente baseado em recomendações de serviços legais e licenciados. Saiba Mais.

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