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Assistir Under the Scares Online

Filme Under the Scares completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Under the Scares Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Steve Villeneuve | 2010

Ficha técnica


Cheap scares. Extreme Gore. Loads of nudity. These have been the three staples of low budget independent horror films since the 60’s. But what’s a filmmaker to do when, thanks to technology, ANYONE can make a film these days? Under The Scares offers an inside look into the production and promotion of an independent, ultra low-budget horror film, while combining interviews and insights from some of the genre’s biggest legends – Lloyd Kaufman, Robert Kurtzman, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Frank Henenlotter, Gary Jones, and many many more. In addition to tips and tricks for emerging filmmakers, they offer their opinions on the genre (where it’s been and where it’s going) plus lots of intriguing personal anecdotes. The result is a compelling look into the world of horror films that will interest any movie enthusiast wanting to know more about what really goes on behind the scenes. Forget everything youve learned from the DVD extras of big Hollywood productions, the real truth lies, Under the Scares!

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