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Assistir Ultimo Respiro Online

Filme Ultimo Respiro completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Ultimo Respiro Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Felice Farina | 1992

Ficha técnica


Tony is well-to-do and married. He owns a little villa on the Sicilian coast which he occasionally uses for liaisons with his mistress Margherita. He’s involved with her in one or two other little projects, as well. One day, he arrives at the villa for an evening of pleasure and encounters a scruffy young thief as he tosses the joint for money and salable items. He brains him with some crockery, and then he and his girlfriend patch up the boy’s wounds and send him off with some money. The thief tells his story to his pals, and they tell him that there’s more money to be made from that duo. He begins by blackmailing them separately but falls in love with Margherita and seeks Tony’s help in going straight so he can woo her. Unfortunately for him, he faces a number of obstacles, one of which is insurmountable.

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