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Assistir Üç Harfliler: Adak Online

Filme Üç Harfliler: Adak completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Üç Harfliler: Adak Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Alper Mestçi | 2019

Ficha técnica


Salih was shot with a rifle in the forest where he went hunting with his friend Metin. Salih, who had to live with bullets in his brain, needs both material and spiritual help to heal. Metin, who said that he would do all kinds of help to Salih at first, is then engaged to Salih’s girlfriend Sermin, leaving Salih desperately with his mother alone. Arzu, the ex-fiancee of Metin, cannot make sense of what happened. While trying to figure out why Metin behaves this way, Salih and his mother, an uncanny woman, visit Türkan.

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