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Assistir Três Pecadores Online

Filme Três Pecadores completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Três Pecadores Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Chun Yen (I) | 1963

Ficha técnica


Based on one particular storyline from The Water Margin, Three Sinners weaves an intriguing story of romance, treachery, and death, all within the context of the traditional Huangmei Opera. Yan Jun casts his real-life wife, the elegant Li Li Hua, star of such Shaw Brothers films as The Goddess of Mercy and Vermillion Door, as one of the title characters, a woman who finds herself in the middle of a stormy love triangle involving her controlling husband (director Yan Jun serving double duty in a starring role) and a passionate lover (Chen Yan Yan).

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