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Assistir Top of the Pops: The Story of 1982 Online

Filme Top of the Pops: The Story of 1982 completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Top of the Pops: The Story of 1982 Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Matt O'Casey | 2016

Ficha técnica


The year 1982 as seen through the eyes of Top of the Pops, a year which saw record unemployment and the Falklands War. The year marked the peak of British ‘new pop’ as Wham, ABC and Culture Club made sensational appearances, and Shalamar’s Jeffrey Daniel premiered the moonwalk on British TV. Dexy’s Midnight Runners re-invented themselves with a new Irish sound and the show pushed its presentation with professional ‘cheerleaders’ in the audience. 1982 also saw the reemergence of John Peel as a regular presenter.

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