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Assistir The World’s End: The Legacy of ‘Day of the Dead’ Online

Filme The World’s End: The Legacy of ‘Day of the Dead’ completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir The World’s End: The Legacy of ‘Day of the Dead’ Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Michael Felsher | 2013

Ficha técnica


A new, feature-length documentary, filmed for the Special Edition Scream Factory Blu-Ray Release of George Romero’s 1985 film, Day of the Dead A small group of scientists and soldiers have taken refuge in an underground missile silo where they struggle to control the flesh-eating horror that walks the earth above. But will the final battle for the future of the human race be fought among the living or have they forever unleashed the hunger of the dead? Lori Cardille (Tales from the Darkside), Joe Pilato (Night of the Living Dead: Origins 3D) and Richard Liberty (The Crazies) star in this controversial classic with groundbreaking gore effects by Tom Savini.

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