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Assistir The Train: Some Lines Shoulder Never Be Crossed… Online

Filme The Train: Some Lines Shoulder Never Be Crossed… completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir The Train: Some Lines Shoulder Never Be Crossed... Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Hasnain Hyderabadwala | 2007

Ficha técnica


Vishal Dixit (Emraan Hashmi), a regular middle class man, is settled in Bangkok with his wife, Anjali (Sayali Bhagat) and their 5 year old daughter, Nikki. Anjali and Vishal are trying to hold on to their deteriorating marriage which is already under tremendous pressure. One ordinary day, on his way to work, Vishal meets Roma (Geeta Basra), a beautiful, captivating woman. The attraction between them is instantaneous. As Vishal gets to know her better, he realizes that she too is a loner, trapped in a loveless marriage. The attraction between them reaches a peak and at a point they decide to give in to an adulterous affair. As Anjali starts getting suspicious of Vishal’s erratic behavior, his romance with Roma deepens. He is torn between the two loves of his life. Just when Vishal thought life could not get more complicated, he realizes that his secret liaison is known to someone, an unknown elusive enemy who is bent on using the knowledge to destroy all three lives…

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