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Assistir The Scent Online

Filme The Scent completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir The Scent Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Kim Hyeong-Joon | 2012

Ficha técnica


A detective (Park Hee-Soon), who moonlights as a private investigator, has a beautiful new client Soo-Jin (Park Si-Yeon). The woman asks the detective to take photos of her husband in the midst of having an affair with another woman. When the detective goes to take pictures he discovers that the woman’s husband is already dead. Now the detective becomes a suspect. The detective is chased by another detective (Joo Sang-Wook). He must now set out for the real killer.

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  • the scent of time chinese drama
  • the scent for her hugo boss
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