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Assistir The Pig Witch: Redemption Online

Filme The Pig Witch: Redemption completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

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It has been a year since the incident that many people have been calling “The Pig Witch” and Sikora is still struggling with what happened that night. A video
of Sikora documenting and discovering a pig-like creature that apparently attacked him and his friends has been spread across the internet| some call it a hoax
some don’t know what to believe. Sikora’s friends were never found; he faced criminal charges and an onslaught of negative press sending him deep into solitude.
After being approached by a mysterious woman he must now make a choice and one wrong move will bring back his worst fears. From the creator of “Spirits of the
Pines” comes the next chapter in the Pig Witch series that will have you at the edge of your seat screaming for more!

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