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Assistir The Farm Online

Filme The Farm completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir The Farm Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Dáire McNab | 2009

Ficha técnica


Mickey and Juliet, a young couple on the run from a vicious gang of drug dealers arrive at a deserted farm in the countryside near Cork, aiming to flee the country by ferry the following day. The farm is apparently inhabited by only one man, a 20 year old called John. John is cripplingly shy, but seems to be fascinated by Juliet’s beauty, with the feeling not exactly unrequited. As Juliet and John forge more and more of a bond, Mickey, already expecting the gang to appear and kill him at any moment, becomes overcome with jealousy and paranoia. Gradually the three characters find themselves sucked into a deadly love triangle from which they may never emerge.

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