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Assistir The Dolls of Lisbon Online

Filme The Dolls of Lisbon completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir The Dolls of Lisbon Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Ethan H. Minsker | 2011

Ficha técnica


Channeling the Mexican Zapatista movement, The Dolls of Lisbon is New York City’s Antagonist Art Movement’s latest calling. Featuring artists from The United States, Ecuador, Portugal, and fellow Antagonist Artists in Europe. This documentary focuses on the labors of the artist, begging the question: If you knew being an artist would be this much of a struggle, would you still have taken this path? In addition, the film also includes a unique soundtrack of underground musicians, and an innovative use of Super 8mm film and stop motion animation.

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  • the dolls of lisbon

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