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Assistir The Cat Beast Online

Filme The Cat Beast completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir The Cat Beast Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Shehnaz Begum | 1997

Ficha técnica


The film is yet another variation on the familiar rape and revenge theme (I Spit on Your Grave territory). This time around we are shown that the vengeful, vice-busting Cat-Beast is the result of a ghastly gang rape which ended up with her birth (five minutes later) in some dark cave in the woods one stormy, cursed night. Her mother died upon child birth and the helpless infant was taken in by a stealthy black cat who was roaming the forest that fateful night and decided to adopt a human infant. This is how the child grew to become the awesome Cat creature – a cheerful, overworked domestic maid servant by day and crime busting Super Cat-Beast by night with special powers.

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