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Assistir Slasher House Online

Filme Slasher House completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Slasher House Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Mj Dixon | 2012

Ficha técnica


When RED awakens in a prison cell within an old abandoned Madhouse, she has no idea how she got there and why she has been placed there. As her cell door opens she soon discovers that she is not alone. Trapped with the worlds most notorious serial killers she finds herself caught in a deadly game with no escape as one by one the other ‘inmates’ are released to stalk her as their own prey. RED must now battle impossible enemies as she tries to find her freedom and soon realizes that there is a bigger plan for all this than she first realized. Will this ‘Final’ girl have what it takes? Or will she see the last of her days in the endless corridors of SLASHER HOUSE!

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