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Assistir Sin Reaper 3D Online

Filme Sin Reaper 3D completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Sin Reaper 3D Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Sebastian Bartolitius (I) | 2012

Ficha técnica


Young Samantha Walker has been tortured by nightmarish visions for years. With the help of Dr. Hoffman, she faces her unknown past by taking his advice and traveling to Germany. Having been adopted in the U.S. as a baby she decides to seek out the true roots of her ancestral past. Her journey leads to “Wallenhausen”, a former German convent. Samantha’s break-in to the convent at night becomes a fight for life and death as a masked monk starts the merciless killings of her companions one after another. Finally the secret of her past reveals itself and she has to face – the Sin Reaper.

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