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Assistir Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework Online

Filme Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Stephen Williams (II) | 1997

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Thirteen-year-old Jesse is a typical teenager who hates his teacher, Mrs. Fink. While visiting a vintage clothing shop, Jesse sees a doll that looks exactly like his dreaded teacher, and he convinces the shopkeeper to sell it to him. When Jesse accidentally pierces the doll’s arm with a sewing needle, he is shocked to find Mrs. Fink with her arm in a sling the next day and gets spooked when a spot on the doll’s face appears, exactly where Mrs. Fink has a mole. Jesse’s worst fears are confirmed when the doll crawls out of his backpack and speaks to him. He throws the doll away, but it turns up in his room again. Jesse is desperate for help. Geneva’s friend Sol who is knowledgeable about voodoo, determines that the doll is using Mrs. Fink’s vitality to keep itself alive. Geneva and the boys plan to cast a spell to send the doll back to where it came from. Geneva warns Jesse that he must have pure intent for the spell to work, since the doll is nourished by negative energy. As a result, Jesse becomes more organized, more focused in school and more responsible around the house. As the full moon rises, Jesse performs the ceremony to restore Mrs. Fink to her rightful place and banish the doll to Shadow Zone.

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