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Assistir Seaburners Online

Filme Seaburners completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Seaburners Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Melisa Önel | 2014

Ficha técnica


Between Istanbul’s sordid neighborhoods and a destitute border village, close to the city, Hamit, drives back and forth. He works for Ali, a charcoal dealer-cum-human trafficker, carrying charcoal one way and illegal immigrants the other way. Young and meek Mehmet helps the two in their dealings and is usually torn between them during their power struggles. Hamit feels stuck in this desolate village. Being subordinate to Ali and sharing a rundown room with Mehmet is not what he had expected from life. Once, he himself tried to escape, but failed to achieve the ‘dream life’, which intensifies his frustration. His only comfort is an older woman, Denise, a foreign botanist who works at the local research center. They meet secretly in a cottage by the sea and make love to the crashing sound of the waves. Denise suspects Hamit but doesn’t ask, and Hamit doesn’t tell much anyway. But the sea is unforgiving and pressure builds up as a new group of refugees arrive and are unable to leave the village. Their relationship sways just like plants do in the harsh wind of the coast. And then, on a stormy night, Hamit decides to change his destiny.

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