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Assistir Primal Scream ‎– Screamadelica Live Online

Filme Primal Scream ‎– Screamadelica Live completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Primal Scream ‎– Screamadelica Live Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | George Scott (V) | 2011

Ficha técnica


Filmed at Olympia in London on the 26th of November 2010, this was the first time that Primal Scream had performed their seminal album ‘Screamadelica’ in its entirety. With the accompaniment of a gospel choir and a brass section and with films by artist JIm Lambie the band brought this brilliant album to life from the ecstatic opening of ‘Movin’ On Up’, through the soul ballads ‘Damaged’ and ‘Shine Like Stars’ and on to the triumphant finale of ‘Higher Than The Sun’, ‘Loaded’ and ‘Come Together’. ×

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