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Assistir Plano Infernal Online

Filme Plano Infernal completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Plano Infernal Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Hugo Haas | 1957

Ficha técnica


Garage owner Gus Hilmer marries showgirl Julie, many years his junior, and this causes a conflict between Gus and Frankie, a young mechanic he has befriended. FRankie falls in love with Julie and she, as expected in any Hugo Hass film, can not resist his advances. Frankie puts together an automobile out of parts lying around in Gus’s junkyard, and forces Julie to accompany him, as he follows Gus and runs him down on a lonely road, and later dismantles the car/murder weapon. Unexpected by the lovers, but not any audience that had seen any Hass film, his twin brother, just release from prison, turns up at the reading of the will, and moves in as half-owner of the garage. So, he and his brother’s widow then get together and knock off Frankie? No, nothing that simple from Hair-Shirt Hugo.

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