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Assistir Pizza Bethlehem Online

Filme Pizza Bethlehem completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Ficha técnica


Bethlehem is a neighbourhood in the city of Bern where immigrants from over 30 nations have settled. At the center of this film is the female junior team of the Bethlehem Football Club. In this team the majority are immigrants between 15 and 16 years old. The film also portrays – along with football – their everyday lives at school, vocational training and leisure time. It questions the protagonists about their self-image, their dreams, worries and fears, asks them about what connects them and what divides them, about what it’s like being a foreigner in their former homeland and how they get along in another foreign environment.

Lembre-se de consultar a disponibilidade da obra no catálogo do serviço de streaming


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