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Assistir Ovarian Psycos Online

Filme Ovarian Psycos completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Ovarian Psycos Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Johanna Sokolowski

Ficha técnica


Riding at night through Eastside Los Angeles, the Ovarian Psycos use their bicycles to confront the violence in their lives. At the helm of the crew is founder Xela de la X, a single mother and poet M.C. dedicated to recruiting an unapologetic, misfit crew of women of color, yet she struggles to strike a balance between motherhood and activism. Evie, a bright eyed recruit, joins the crew and despite poverty and the concerns of her protective Salvadoran mother, discovers a newfound confidence. Meanwhile, Andi Xoch, a founding member and street artist who knows the deeply activist legacy from which the Ovas emerge, journeys to become a new leader within the crew.

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