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Assistir Oleg Kulik. Challenge and Provocation Online

Filme Oleg Kulik. Challenge and Provocation completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Oleg Kulik. Challenge and Provocation Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Yevgeni Mitta | 2009

Ficha técnica


The Kiev-born artist Oleg Kulik made his first major appearance in Western Europe when he delivered his “Reservoir Dog” performance outside the Kunsthaus Zurich in 1995. On the opening day of a major exhibition, he chained himself up stark naked outside the museum. Barking and sniffing like a dog, he bit the guests as they arrived and defecated on the public square – until the police arrived and arrested him. Since then, Kulik has appeared in many other towns, often imitating animals, but also with shows of his photographs, sculptures and installations. Working with interviews and archive footage, OLEG KULIK: CHALLENGE AND PROVOCATION provides an insight into the life and work of this controversial contemporary artist.

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