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Assistir O Manto Mágico de Oz Online

Filme O Manto Mágico de Oz completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir O Manto Mágico de Oz Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | J. Farrell MacDonald | 1914

Ficha técnica


Ojo and Unc Nunkie are out of food, so they decide to journey to the Emerald City where they will never starve. Along the way, they meet Mewel, a waif and stray (mule) who leads them to Dr. Pipt, who has been stirring the powder of life for nine years. Ojo adds plenty of brains to Margolotte’s Patchwork servant before she is brought to life with the powder. When Scraps does come to life, she accidentally knocks the liquid of petrifaction upon Unc Nunkie, Margolotte, and Danx (daughter Jesseva’s boyfriend). So all go on separate journeys to find the ingredients to the antidote. (Of course Jesseva has Danx shrunken to take with her, which causes trouble with Jinjur.) Of course, no one ever told Ojo that some of the ingredients were illegal to obtain…

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