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Assistir Mystery Land: The Video Online

Filme Mystery Land: The Video completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Mystery Land: The Video Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | | 1994

Ficha técnica


So you have seen some party video’s……so what! This is the one and only professional registration of a house festival. The only way you will ever know what happend before, during and after this event is to watch this video over and over again. It contains a very detailed 90 minutes report of what the organisation had to accomplish to make Mysteryland as big and impressive as it was. You can see the organisation transforming a desert (the port of Rotterdam) into a party city. The Party was filmed by 5 camera’s so they didn’t miss one party shot. Every tent was filmed, the “Thunderdome” had special camera’s on the stage so all the live acts are very spectacular. Not only the tents were filmed but the whole party was filmed, the camping, the entrance, the foodtent, the outdoor ravers and not to forget YOU.

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