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Assistir Mummy Dearest Online

Filme Mummy Dearest completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Mummy Dearest Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | White Cross | 2020

Ficha técnica


After an injury puts SCARLETT HEALY (35) in a wheelchair, she moves in with her daughter, AUTUMN (19), who just moved into a creepy old house with her boyfriend, FRANK THRUSSEL (30). There’s one condition to the arrangement. Scarlett cannot interfere with Autumn’s relationship and find something wrong with Autumn’s new boyfriend, as she has a habit of doing. Scarlett may have to choose between getting kicked out of her daughter’s life and saving it as moving into the house leads to a journey of suspense, mystery, spine-tingling discoveries about Frank and the people who have been killed in the house.

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