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Assistir Meathook Massacre: The Final Chapter Online

Filme Meathook Massacre: The Final Chapter completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Meathook Massacre: The Final Chapter Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | John Ward | 2019

Ficha técnica


It’s been 20 years since Dani (Danielle Brookshire, “Cheerleader Camp To The Death”) and her friends were attacked by a meathook-welding maniac in rural Nebraska. Today, while relocating to live in Southern California with her sister Samantha (noted actress Vida Ghaffari, “RoboWoman, FOX’s “The Mindy Project”), she still suffers from nightmarish visions that the worst is yet to come. Soon after a visit from a fellow survivor, “Bubba” (Robert Lankford, “Nemesis 5”) and his clan, including “Uncle Swine” (Alan Maxson, “Godzilla: King of The Monsters”), they track Dani down at her current residence for one last showdown.

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