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Filme Let’s Spend the Night Together: Confessions of Rock’s Greatest Groupies completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

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Take an emotional journey back to the early Seventies, the Golden Age of Groupies! Some were in it for love, some for the music, and some for their art — and four decades later, these passionate women share their stories of sexual conquest and bitter heartbreak, and finally reveal whether it was all worth it. Told through the eyes of rock and roll historian and super groupie Pamela Des Barres (author of the famous 1987 tell-all “I’m With The Band”, and the brand-new book “Let’s Spend The Night Together”) this ninety-minute documentary offers memories of her sexual exploits and longtime escapades with such notorious rockers as Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison and Jimmy Page — and chronicles her cross-country journey to reconnect with the iconic women who loved and inspired the great rock stars of our time.

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