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Assistir Legions Online

Filme Legions completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Ficha técnica


Legions is a supernatural story that mixes different narrative lines and genres. The story is fantastic and contains irony, humour and obviously the elements of the horror genre. These ingredients, plus strong and human characters, evil and imaginary beings (or perhaps not), the dizzying pace and the climates of tension create a product designed for a young audience, where adrenaline and humour are the support to tell a mystical and critical history of the modern world and the lack of beliefs.

Lembre-se de consultar a disponibilidade da obra no catálogo do serviço de streaming


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Importante: Destacamos nosso firme compromisso contra a pirataria e enfatizamos que nosso conteúdo é estritamente baseado em recomendações de serviços legais e licenciados. Saiba Mais.

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