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Assistir Invaded Online

Filme Invaded completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Invaded Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | | 2021

Ficha técnica


Haunted by a horrific attack two years previous single mother Joy has become obsessed with protecting her teenage daughters Sarah and Nikki whilst trying to survive living on the worst crime ridden housing estate in England. But despite all her precautions she is unable to prevent Nikki from becoming habitually sexually assaulted by a gang led by the sadistic Nads, and Nikki takes her own life. The police as usual do nothing.
When Sarah stands up to one of the gang they begin to target Joy and Sarah and one evening their house is invaded and both mother and daughter are raped. Again the police do nothing and the gang walk free. Continually let down by the police Joy and Sarah decide to take matters into their own hands and begin hunting down the gang one at a time to enact their own brand of punishment.

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