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Assistir How to Use Dianetics: A Visual Guidebook to the Human Mind Online

Filme How to Use Dianetics: A Visual Guidebook to the Human Mind completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir How to Use Dianetics: A Visual Guidebook to the Human Mind Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | | 1992

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Unlock your full potential. Learn how to use Dianetics with this video! The book Dianetics is today’s #1 sefl help best seller for one reason- It works. Now, here is the video that shows you what Dianetics is, how it works and exactly how to do it step by step. With this video, you can learn how to use the simple techniques contained in L. Ron Hubbard’s book to locate the blocks and barriers to your full potential- and handle them! Dianetics contains today’s most effective and broadly used science of the mind. It reveals – in simple terms anyone can understand- the single source of stress, tension, dperession, psychosomatic illness, compulsion, addiction and insanity. And gives you something you can do about it. Whether you’ve read L. Ron Hubbard’s bestselling book or not, this video gives you insight into the challenging basic principles of Dianetics- principles that will change forever the way you look at your mind, your abilities and your life. Watch this program, sit down with a friend and then do it. Use this video to open the door to your full potential and achieve what you want in life.

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