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Assistir Hooker with a Hacksaw Online

Filme Hooker with a Hacksaw completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Hooker with a Hacksaw Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Caroline Kopko

Ficha técnica


Kristen (Kasper Meltedhair) is a phone sex operator who makes decent cash, but sometimes she needs a little extra. Like when she finds a cool new Star Wars doll and can’t afford to add it to her collection, she bends her rule about no in person dates to make sure she gets what she wants. So she meets up with some clients for extra special attention and while these encounters are always creepy, at least she gets the much needed income boost. But when she meets up with Raymond (Jason Crowe), she winds up in a wild situation that involves a potential snuff film shoot, with Kristen as the lead actress. She is able to escape, but she hasn’t forgotten about Raymond’s actions, though a budding new romance distracts her. But when Raymond’s crew targets her new love for a snuff movie, Kristen goes on the warpath to settle the score.

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