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Assistir Hex: Global Chaos Online

Filme Hex: Global Chaos completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Hex: Global Chaos Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | | 1993

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A 1 hour sell-through Rave Video.. featuring computer graphix so intense you may require shades to watch it! Soundtrax mixed by Coldcut. Global Chaos revolves around the story of the Alien Sphinx’s trip to Earth to steal our resources for his own dead planet. On experiencing the Chaos which reigns on Earth and seeing how we have already nearly trashed our World, he realises that the only hope is to combine his psychic powers with the energy of Rave music in an attempt to prevent all-out destruction of everything by malignant Infoviruses and Fascist control freaks.

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