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Assistir Gravity and Me: The Force that Shapes Our Lives Online

Filme Gravity and Me: The Force that Shapes Our Lives completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Gravity and Me: The Force that Shapes Our Lives Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Andrew Smith (V) | 2017

Ficha técnica


Physics professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the amazing science of gravity. A fundamental force of nature, gravity shapes our entire universe, sculpting galaxies and warping space and time. But gravity’s strange powers, discovered by Albert Einstein, also affect
our daily lives in the most unexpected ways. As Jim tells the story of gravity, it challenges his own understanding of the nature of reality.
The science of gravity includes the greatest advances in physics, and Jim recreates groundbreaking experiments in gravity including
when the Italian genius Galileo first worked out how to measure it.

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