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Assistir Down and Out in America Online

Filme Down and Out in America completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Down and Out in America Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Lee Grant (I) | 1986

Ficha técnica


Three sectors of American society hit by recession in the mid-1980s: heartland farms, factory workers out of a job, and the new homeless. In Minnesota, 250 family farms are being repossesed each week; men and women talk about their farms, the nature of their bank loans, the onslaught of corporate farming, and their sorrow and despair. In cities where 3,500 jobs per day go overseas, unemployed workers contemplate their options. The newly homeless talk about the jobs they’ve lost, “Justice Ville” in Los Angeles (bulldozed by court order), and squatting in New York’s abandoned buildings. A family living in a welfare hotel tells their story.

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