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Assistir Death Metal Zombies Online

Filme Death Metal Zombies completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Death Metal Zombies Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Todd Jason Cook | 1995

Ficha técnica


Brad Masters enters a contest and wins an album by his favorite band of all time, Living Corpse. The tape has a special song called “Zombiefied”, which turns Brad and his friends into zombies at a party. Luckily, Brad’s girlfriend Angel misses the party and it is up to her to save her friends. She runs into Shengar (lead singer of Living Corpse and ruler of the dead world) , who attempts to stop Angel. During Angel’s escape, she teams up with her friend Tommy who learns that there is only way to stop the zombies. Now, Angel and Tommy have limited time to figure out how to reverse the zombie curse and save their friends. DMZ is known for it’s strangely original story.

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