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Assistir Dark Romances Vol. 2 Online

Filme Dark Romances Vol. 2 completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Dark Romances Vol. 2 Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Bryan Moore (III)

Ficha técnica


“She’s Bad, She’s Blonde, She’s Lunch.” A couple hold up a store to pay the rent, then take an ill-fated trip to Lover’s Lane, where they meet a man involved in genetic research. “Cardinal Sin.” A young man escapes into Hustler fantasies and must avoid his overbearing and religious mom. Eventually he ameliorates his situation. “Pet Shop of Death.” A henpecked husband goes to a specialty pet store to get something to help free him up so he can pursue his neighbor. “Last Love.” A psychiatrist is forlorn over the loss of her husband, and takes steps to make her affair with his ghost more permanent. “What Goes Around…” A composer who can’t create music since the death of his wife and child finds new inspiration from the affair with a femme fatale. But she has a price.

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