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Assistir Dark Paradox Online

Filme Dark Paradox completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Dark Paradox Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Brian Clement | 2007

Ficha técnica


The film follows a writer’s unwitting discovery of the history and secret efforts of a cult in Victoria, Canada that has been engaged in a 60 year effort to open a portal between our world and another, letting in a host of vicious inter-dimensional beings. The city of Victoria was rumored in the 1980’s to be the second worldwide ‘capital of Satanism’ after Geneva, Switzerland. Dark Paradox explores the idea that this myth was not only partially true but also partially inaccurate in suggesting the cult activity was ‘Satanic’ when in fact it was based on the worship of ancient extraterrestrial ‘elder gods’ in the vein of HP Lovecraft’s fiction.

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