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Assistir Danur 3: Sunyaruri Online

Filme Danur 3: Sunyaruri completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Danur 3: Sunyaruri Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Awi Suryadi | 2019

Ficha técnica


After years of being friendly with her little ghosts, Risa begins to feel that she must have a normal life like other women. Especially now Risa has a boyfriend named Dimas, a radio announcer. Risa does not tell Dimas about her ability to see ghosts, and that she has five little friends who were not human. Risa’s friendship with Peter cs shaken, after she feels Peter cs begin teasing Dimas. Risa finally chose to close her inner eyes so she could live a normal life. But a strange thing happens. He could no longer see Peter cs, but again smells danur (liquid that comes out of decayed corpses). It is an evil ghost who enters the house through heavy rain: the ghost of an evil woman who not only threatens her life, but also Peter cs.

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