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Assistir Dachra Online

Filme Dachra completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Dachra Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Abdelhamid Bouchnak | 2018

Ficha técnica


Yasmin, a Tunisian journalism student, and her two male friends set out on a university assignment to solve the cold case of Mongia, a woman found mutilated 20 years ago, now imprisoned in an asylum and suspected of witchcraft. As they pursue their investigation, the three friends stumble into the archaic and ominous world of Dachra, an isolated countryside compound filled with goats, silent women, mysterious drying meat and steaming pots. They are welcomed to stay overnight by the jovial yet menacing cult leader, but when Yasmin discovers Dachra’s secrets, she must escape before she gets hurt.

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