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Assistir Crazed Online

Filme Crazed completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Crazed Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Edward Payson

Ficha técnica


Inspired by our favorite dark & twisted graphic novels, FURY revolves around vigilante cop Ronan Pierce. He is fueled by a tragic past, and the recent abduction of his wife McKenzie has Ronan’s appetite for vengeance completely unbounded. Relentlessly searching for clues, Ronan systematically unchains his rage on a city full of psychopaths, gangs, corruption and the unrivaled evil-doings of the Luna Cartel. Responsible for both his daughter’s death and his wife’s abduction, the Luna Cartel enslaves thousands of young beautiful women from around the world and harvests organs from all of it’s other victims. Joined by his partner Rex and a young circus clown named Karina, Ronan ‘paints the town red’ in his search for bloody justice.

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