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Assistir Cooking with Love Online

Filme Cooking with Love completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Cooking with Love Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Jem Garrard | 2018

Ficha técnica


In the running for a promotion, reality cooking show producer Kelly prepares for her cooking show for kids. When show host Chef Betty has an unexpected injury, Kelly hires controversial Chef Stephen as a replacement. Though they butt heads at first, eventually the two pair up to help one another – and even form a romantic connection. Just as their romance begins to blossom, though, Chef Betty returns, and Stephen receives an offer to host a show across the country. Kelly also faces deceit from her competition Jeremy, who steals her ideas and presents them as his own. When Chef Betty hurts herself right before the live finale, Kelly must seize the opportunity to both prove her producing skill and bring Stephen back into her life.

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