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Assistir Bride of the Head of the Family Online

Filme Bride of the Head of the Family completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Ficha técnica


Following the events of the original film, the head of the family himself, Myron Stackpool, attempts to rebuild his empire from the ashes of destruction. But finding his lost fortune and missing siblings is only a fraction of his woes, as a mysterious high-powered woman arrives on the scene. Her name is Eugenia, and she sports a BIG agenda and an even BIGGER head! It’s love-at-first-sight for Myron, but before he and his newly betrothed can exchange vows, they’ll have to deal with mad doctors, deformed hit men, sexual orderlies, and more – as they all race to the wedding of – the BRIDE OF THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY.

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