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Assistir Bikini Monsters Online

Filme Bikini Monsters completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Bikini Monsters Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Terence Muncy | 2010

Ficha técnica


In a secluded laboratory just off the Florida coast a scientist works feverishly on his grizzly experiment. Known by local transients only as “the beach bum” He has dedicated his life to creating the ultimate expression of beauty, a mermaid. In the wake of his dark obsession is a trail of test subjects left horrifically twisted and mutated abominations the likes of which mankind has never seen…. until now. As the experiment continues, detective Elizabeth Wayne opens an investigation into the disappearance of several local women and their ultimate fate. Aided by Marine biologist Craig Hoffman and Mike Shelton detective Wayne must play the final gambit to lure her nemesis from hiding and use herself as bait.

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