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Assistir Bezm-i Ezel Online

Filme Bezm-i Ezel completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Bezm-i Ezel Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Aykut Can Demirel | 2017

Ficha técnica


Yasemin and Mustafa are two lovers belonging to different religions who share the same house in Izmir. With the dream that Yasemin saw ordinary life, it turned into a nightmare. The paranormal events that she has suffered in the past cause her to suffer a great strain. Mustafa tries to comfort Yasemin, but he is worried about the woman he loves from the inside. The events that he witnessed later create a great fear on him too. Yasemin calls the religion officer of the church she worshiped. Priest wants to help Yasemin, but he is helpless.

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