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Assistir Betty Boop: The Queen of Cartoons Online

Filme Betty Boop: The Queen of Cartoons completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Betty Boop: The Queen of Cartoons Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | | 1995

Ficha técnica


An unusual entry into the Biography series–which usually focuses on living, breathing subjects–cartoon icon Betty Boop is profiled here. Conceived at the Fleischer Animation Studio, Betty made her first appearance in 1930, although her appearance was nothing like the shapely big-eyed gal we came to know and love–in fact, the original Boop was a French poodle! Fleischer appears here to discuss how his creation evolved into an American icon, and tells some fascinating tales of how he had to battle against the censors in the early days, and how the character was embraced by different generations of cartoon fans. Also included is the infamous Betty Boop-Cab Calloway duet “Minnie the Moocher,” and plenty of archival footage that provides valuable insight into how Betty won our hearts.

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