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Assistir An Accidental Zombie (Named Ted) Online

Filme An Accidental Zombie (Named Ted) completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir An Accidental Zombie (Named Ted) Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Anne Welles | 2017

Ficha técnica


Ted is not a zombie. Just ask him. Sure, he picked up a “skin thing” on his vacay in The Caribbean, and he’s hungering for brains, but who isn’t? Anyway, things are bound to get better when Ted inherits his grandpa’s fortune; all he’s gotta do is wait for the old man to die. In the meantime, in case things weren’t strange enough, Ted follows a hot vampire into group therapy where the patients all suffer disorders of the paranormal. Yep. Things just went from weird to wacky.

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