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Assistir A Perfect Match Online

Filme A Perfect Match completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir A Perfect Match Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | | 2002

Ficha técnica


Hyo-Jin is the quietly industrious employee at a Korean dating agency who, while being very talented at finding her clients’ their perfect match, finds nothing but a void in her own romantic life. Her ditzy friends are obsessed with finding that special someone though they are too caught up in day-dreams to achieve their goal and Hyo-Jin invents a boyfriend for herself as not to encourage their prying. One of Hyo-Jin’s latest and most awkward clients – seemingly distant and disorganised Hyun-Soo – leaves an impression that gets underneath the surface of her professional demeanour. As she tries to match Hyun-Soo up with his dream date she is constantly battling with her own feelings and his foibles while also having to face the scrutiny of her colleagues.

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