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Assistir A Murder of Quality Online

Filme A Murder of Quality completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir A Murder of Quality Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Gavin Millar | 1991

Ficha técnica


Taken from the book by John le Carre, George Smiley rallies to the aid of his former intelligence colleague, Ailsa Brimley, to investigate a mysterious letter from a junior master’s wife at Carne School – a boy’s school. When Smiley goes to Carne to investigate, he finds the junior master’s wife brutually murdered, with her husband as one of the suspects. Smiley begins to scratch at the surface of the closed knit society of Carne, and soon begins to find that things are not as they seem. Secret societies, sexual abuse, and a mysterious boy, Timothy Perkins, who is either another suspect, witness, or victim.

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